The Identity Win-Win
You ➝ control your identity info.
Companies ➝ don’t have to store it.
The Identity Win-Win
You ➝ control your identity info.
Companies ➝ don’t have to store it.

Power to the People
Digital identity for all

Power to the People
Digital identity for all

Power to the People
Over 600,000
people trust

Power to the People
Over 600,000 people trust GlobaliD

Forget Passwords
Signup and login to sites without dodgy passwords or repetitive forms.

Signup and login to sites without dodgy passwords or repetitive forms.
Learn more ➝

Signup and login to sites without dodgy passwords or repetitive forms.
Learn more ➝

BYO Identity to DeFi
Bring your Self-Sovereign Identity to your favorite DeFi projects.

Leading The Way
600,000 people, 1.6 million IDs, and counting
We’re leading the way to private, secure, digital identity for all. Join us. Built on future-proof tech that will be the standard for years to come. The digital identity revolution is coming, that’s why we build on the verifiable credentials standard.

Take the Traditional out of Finance
Signup for Credit Unions with decentralized ID. For real.

Leading The Way
600,000 people, 1.6 million IDs, and counting
We’re leading the way to private, secure, digital identity for all. Join us. Built on future-proof tech that will be the standard for years to come. The digital identity revolution is coming, that’s why we build on the verifiable credentials standard.
Your ID, just better in every way
Change the way ID works, forever.
We’re building a future where people control every aspect of their digital identities and businesses offload trust. Join us.